Spinning on a Support Spindle
Saturday, October 21, 9:30am – 12:30pm
Instructor: Pat Maley
$40 for the class
Class limit: 6
Material fees. $5 payable to the instructor
Level: All levels of expertise and interest welcome.
Support spindles are used for cotton, down fibers like cashmere, yak, camel and bison. They are also used for very fine silk and wool yarns. You will learn the drafting and twisting techniques used with several types of small support spindles as well as the large Navajo type support spindle.
Supplies to Bring:
- An UNBREAKABLE bowl about 2-3 inches in diameter.
- Any SUPPORT spindle that you already have. (A variety of spindles will be available to use in class).
- $5 materials fee. Cash or Check only.
Problems registering? Contact the Education Committee at classes@weaversguildcincinnati.org.
Questions about this class? Contact the instructor, Pat Maley, masterspinner1@gmail.com.
Depending on the CDC guidelines for Hamilton County at the time the class is held, a mask may be required. If so, you will be notified before the first class.
Fees are non-refundable. Your fee will only be refunded if the class is canceled or changed to a different date. Three registrations are required for a class to be held. Students will be notified before the start date if a class is canceled due to an insufficient number of students. Eventbrite processing and credit card payment fees will not be refunded if a student cancels for any reason.