Color Effects for Weavers
Thursday, July 11, 9:30am-4pm
Instructor: Barb Gallagher
$75 WGGC members / $100 non-members
$15 Materials fee for handouts and weft yarns
Class Limit: 10
Learn to weave with multiple colors to produce several different effects. This will mostly be weft faced weaves on a rigid heddle, shaft loom, or tapestry loom. These are perfect for rugs and wall hangings, but can also be incorporated into more balanced weave structures. We will play with yarn colors to find ways to get what we actually want wihout spending hours of trial and error.
Students need to bring a loom that is warped and ready to be woven on. Bring yarn, and something like a fork to help pack in your weft, plus all your basic weaving supplies, including shuttles (stick are fine); see the list below. Additional yarns will be available to use during the class.
Materials and supplies to bring:
- Scissors
- Shuttles
- Tapestry needle
- Fork or beater for packing in weft
- Yarn
- Homework**
- $15 materials fee
- Lunch and beverages (A refrigerator and microwave are available for use.)
** Homework: Bring a loom that is warped ready to be woven on. Use 12/6 seine twine sett at 8 epi or 8/4 carpet warp sett at 10 epi. Allow at least two (2) yards in length and 8-10 inches wide.
Questions about this class? Contact the instructor, Barb Gallagher. Problems registering? Email the Education Committee.
Your registration fee will be refunded only if the class is canceled or changed to a different day. Three (3) registrants are needed for a class to be held.