Intro to Double Knitting
Saturday, February 8, 10am-3pm
Instructor: Martha Wagner
$60 WGGC member/$85 non-member
Class limit: 6
No material fees. Supply list below.
Skills needed: Knit, purl, long-tail casts on. Experience with charts and colorwok is helpful but not required.
2020 is the year of doubles at the Weavers Guild! Double numbers – 2020. Double weave class and workshop. And now…drum roll…Double Knitting!
Double knitting is a a technique that allows you to produce two layers of knit fabric with mirror-image colorwork while knitting both sides at the same time. This technique produces a super warm fabric that’s great for blankets, scarves, and hats. To double knit, you’ll need two different colored balls of yarn and one set of knitting needles of a corresponding size. You can double knit flat on straight needles or in the round on circular or double-pointed needles.
In this fun and relaxed-paced class, we will learn: cast on, techniques, colorwork, and basic designs. We will talk about options such as how to convert a regular simple colorwork pattern to double knitting. At the end of the class, you will have motif swatches and the confidence and inspiration to do more with double knitting!
Supplies needed:
- Minimum of two, preferably a few more, balls of contrasting smooth solid yarn, not too dark, not too sticky, in the DK to worsted weight range. For each swatch, we will work with a light and a dark color yarn. I suggest a variety of colors just to keep things interesting; you can do all your samples in the same set of colors.
- Double-point or circular needles, approximately two sizes smaller that you would normally use for your chosen yarn. Double-knitting is often looser than regular knitting. Best to bring a variety of needle sizes in that range. We will be working flat samples but will be knitting from both ends.
- Stitch holders
- Stitch markers
- Pencil
- Graph paper
- Your regular knitting toolkit.
- Your lunch and beverages
Questions about this class? Email the instructor, Martha Wagner.
Problems registering? Contact the Education Committee.
Your fee will be refunded if the class is canceled or changed to a different date. Three registrations are required for a class to be held. Students will be notified before the start date if a class is canceled due to an insufficient number of students. Eventbrite processing and credit card payment fees will not be refunded if a student cancels for any reason.